Our new products are the result of partnerships with innovative companies in various sectors. There are companies and entrepreneurs with wonderful dreams, ideas waiting to be tapped for their potential. We call ourselves a cooperative of common intent, whose prime objective is to aggregate competences and sensibilities, talents and material resources. This attitude helps, teaches, encourages and accompanies anyone daring to imagine and plan. We combine enthusiasm, vision, stories, dedication and desire for the future because it is up to us, in our laboratories and in our companies, to design new trajectories, formulate answers and translate them into intent, into projects and, lastly, into products.

We need places and moments to meet, we need connections, to learn to work together. It is an invitation to share, to form a network in an attempt to explore new spaces and diverse ways of aggregating the company. Gathering entrepreneurs around our table to generate new ideas, create opportunities, invent new products, equip ourselves to meet a changing market, is our entrance key to the near future. All this is possible because alimentation - and therefore food - is a universal language. It is common to us all and everyone has their own experience of it. For this reason, our cooperative invites entrepreneurs and companies to build a future for organic food together with us. Cultivating hope is our way of making way for tomorrow.


Strada Castelgagliardo 3

61030 Isola del Piano (PU)


Via del Molino Nuovo, 17

61034 Fossombrone PU

P.IVA 00382180412

REA: PS – 76473

Cap. soc. vers. €328.415


TEL: +39 0721 740559